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Sponsorlu Bağlantılar

Firma Kuruluş Yılı:1996
Çalışan Sayısı:132 (Yönetici:6 | Memur:0 | İşçi:0
Dış Ülkelerle Bağlantıları:ALMANYA.ITALYA.USA.....


The company “Sercons” was set up in 1996 to assist Russian and foreign organizations and businesses to obtain all and every certificates, approvals and permits. We are maintaining close contacts with most testing laboratories and certification bodies in a wide range of industries.

Today the company “Sercons” is one of the largest companies in Russia in the field of certification and consultancy with representation offices in Germany, the Italy and Turkey and in major Russian cities. Many years of expertise and knowledge of what both large and small corporations and business need allow us to meet certification requirements of our clients within shortest possible time and at competitive prices. Among our clients are Russian and foreign companies such as General Motors, General Electric, Pirelli, Adidas, Toshiba, Severstal, Festo RF, SpetsSantekhResurs, TV channel NTV, Mir instrumenta, PlastikProfil and many others.

Our success results from continuous upgrading of employees` skills, broadening of authority delegated to them to master independent decision-making. Professionals from «Sercons» are advantaged by openness, commitment to continuous improvement of methods and techniques to meet challenges we are facing, reduction of costs and time losses, intimate information of all and every changes in the Russian legislation and regulations of government institutions, and standing contacts with the major certification agencies in Russia.

The fundamental principle underlying the company`s activities is to provide comprehensive solution of certification issues based on clients` individual needs. We are committed to provide services with the highest level of responsibility, organization, quality, within shortest possible time limits and lowest costs for the clients. Couriers within the boundaries of Moscow and delivery of certificates by express mail are free of charge.

We stand ready to enter into constructive mutually beneficial cooperation that would make obtaining requisite certificates much easier for you, save you time and money. Rely on us to solve your certification issues fast and with high quality.
Certificate of compliance to GOST-R

Certificate of compliance to GOST-R – certifies quality of actually supplied goods and their compliance with contractual terms. A quality certificate either contains a profile of goods or confirms compliance of goods with certain standards or specifications of a delivery order.

A certificate of compliance is intended for certification of goods produced either by Russian companies or shipped to Russia by an importer-company. A certificate of compliance can be issued for a batch of goods and for a series production. In the former case a certificate is legalized for a company engaged in supplying goods to the Russian market. Its validity varies with terms of a sale contract. In the latter case a foreign manufacturer of supplied goods is both an applicant and a recipient of a

Ürün ve Hizmetler

Rusya Federasyonu sinirlari dahilinde Toptan ve Perakende satisi yapilan her mal icin bu gerekli olan belgedir.. 1 Ekim 2000 yili itibariyle zorunlu kilinan bu belge 2004 yili Kasim ayinda Gumruklerin Bavul ticareti ve kargo ticaretine kapanmasi sebebiyle firmalara bir kez daha gerekliligi hatirlatilmaktadir. Rusya Federasyonunun standardi olan bu belge icerigi bakimindan ISO, TSE ve CE gibi normlara esdeger bir belgedir. Gost-R belgesi gumruklerde gumruk belgelerinin arasinda istenmesinin disinda ic piyasada magazalarda da yapilan denetimlerde istenmektedir. Rusya, ya yapilan ticaretin ve mal satisinin yasal ve guvenli yolu urettiginiz mallara sertifika almaktir. Ulkede 1997 yilinda yasanan kriz sebebiyle ihrac ve ithal edilen tum urunlerde kalite konusu daha cok onem kazanmistir. Urun ve hizmetlerin kalite belgelendirilmesi bazi urun ve hizmetlere zorunlu, bazi urun ve hizmetlere istek uzerine yapilmaktadir. G2ost R sertifikasinin zorunlu alinmasi gereken urun ve hizmetlere sari renkte sertifika, istek uzerine alinmasi gereken urun ve hizmetler icin ise mavi renkte sertifika verilmektedir. Rusya devlet standartlarinin 30 Temmuz 2002 yilinda No:64

#sercons. gostr #rusya.gumruk #rusya kalite sertfikasi #moskova.yangin #hijyen

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