HeBei meida chemicals co.,ltd.


Telefon1: 15832497166


Fax: 87035008


Sponsorlu Bağlantılar

Firma Kuruluş Yılı:2000
Çalışan Sayısı:200 (Yönetici:0 | Memur:0 | İşçi:0
Dış Ülkelerle Bağlantıları:

HEBEI MEIDA CHEMICALS CO.,LTD is ISO9001:2000 quality approval enterprise, committed in supplying inorganic/organic chemicals, pigments and dyestuffs in China. It lies in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province of China. With advantages of owning our large scale capital-owned factories, we attribute our success to our enduring efforts to supply quality and cost-effective chemicals to our customers

MEIDA CHEMICALS committed in supplying inorganic/organic chemicals, pigments and dyestuffs in China. It lies in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province of China. With advantages of owning our large scale capital-owned factories, we attribute our success to our enduring efforts to supply quality and cost-effective chemicals to our customers.

Ürün ve Hizmetler

titanium dioxide, caustic soda, glacial acetic acid, formic acid, oxalic acid, sodium tripolyphosphate

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